Lessons from Video Games.

Many people think that video games are a waste of time, i cannot agree or disagree about this. Definitely once you get addicted to something it’s hard to let go, video games are addictive indeed once you start playing an interesting game you just can’t stop, you keep anticipating and expecting what’s going to happen next in the other level.

You may not be patient with people but when it comes to video games you learn to get patient and try over and over again until you win, you become persistent, especially when they are full of challenges and when there are so many paths to follow.

The most important part of it is that it teaches that each level require a stronger version of you, just like in real life, when facing challenges or uncomfortable situations we have to get stronger than before, we get wounded, breakdown but in the end we rise stronger.

Monsters which exist in games are sometimes our enemies or inner demons, our fears. In each level there is a different enemy stronger and harder to defeat than the previous one. Life doesn’t get easier we just get stronger through pain, through hardships, through obstacles and challenges. You have to fight, fail, fall, rise and fight again to reach the next level.

Pink Month of Legendary WOMEN

A woman is someone’s daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, and grandmother. We are champions yet taken for granted most of time. People often take advantage of how sensitive and caring we are. One thing is sure that one day we will wake up from the nightmare of being surrounded by negative and toxic people, by energy suckers who keep draining us, by those who give us hope and fake promises and at the end leave, by those who use us and take us for granted just because we have a golden heart. This day should be today ladies. Enough is enough. This is your wake up call. If you are waiting for the shining knight who’ll come to rescue you and take you away, be it. Be the Queen of your own story, be the woman who saves herself without King. Trust me the right person will come when you are at the top not down. That is when you’ll find your equal. That one person who will treat you right, give you the world, look at you as if you are a masterpiece, will love every single thing about you, someone who will meet your standards and maybe more than what you expected, you will be a priority not an option, you will be important, appreciated. Someone who will be there in your ups and downs and who will take your hand and never let it go.

This right here is a reminder for every woman out there let me tell you this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE FEARLESS. YOU ARE A LIONESS. YOU ARE A QUEEN. YOU ARE STRONG. YOU ARE SUCCESFUL. YOU ARE POWERFUL. YOU DESERVE THE BEST AND YOU ARE THE BEST. YOU ARE A LEADER, A BOSS. YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. YOU ARE ENOUGH. If anyone tell you otherwise, then my dear adjust your tiara, turn your heels and leave, I’m serious LEAVE, you will get the best because you deserve it, you matter and you are worth it.

Body Positivity

Many women and men suffer from obesity. Most of them don’t like their bodies and want a change. Others on the other hand find that food is a stress reliever, as a result they eat non-stop and don’t care about the fat that is stuck in their bodies or sometimes they are just not aware of the risks they may encounter with such unhealthy habits.

Now the point is fat versus slim. The best is fit. Yes some people eat a lot but don’t get fat while others if they just smell pizza they will feel as if they gained 20 pounds. Although here the consequences are the same: disease, fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure maybe cholesterol….

I’m not saying a good thing to be fat or skinny because a lot skinny people have anorexia which is a disease too, so keep it fit. Our bodies are temples we live in and we should love it and accept it, but at the same time always improve it. We all heard about the word “gratitude” that when you are grateful you’ll attract more, it’s the same thing here. If we hate our bodies for being out of shape it’s we will end up being sick and disgusted by the way we look which will lead to anxiety or depression sometimes. Once we accept that yes we messed up and we should be more careful about what we fill our stomach, things will start to change. We can only change our lives by changing our thoughts and actions, so by changing the way we perceive ourselves and change our actions we can improve our physical and mental health.

To conclude I would say, the key here is to accept and take actions in order to make a positive change, after all a negative mind never gives a positive life. Even by taking baby steps, it’s still an improvement. A slight change in daily habits can make such positive impact by the end of the month. we are all beautiful, just the way we are.img_2526-2.png

Where to travel in October

The weather in this month is quite crazy it may be raining one day and sunny another day, it’s fall season, that’s where you can either grab a cup of hot chocolate and lay down watch Netflix or go into the wild: forest, mountains or hit the road. Most of people like to go on a nice vacation with their friends, family, or their loved ones. But where can you travel in October?

Well there are many beautiful destinations and gorgeous places such as Maldives for newly wedded couples it’s a honeymoon goal anytime of the year though it’s preferable not to go in the summer due to the weather, but it doesn’t have to be for couples, even for families and friends. As well as Bora Bora or Mauritius island, Bali in Indonesia, Bahamas. If you love islands then these destinations are for you, quite expensive but totally worth it, I can’t promise you that the weather will be good though. i personally love islands even in winter.

Now travelling is a great way to make beautiful memories and learn new things, discover people’s culture, their habits, and their food but also to have fun. But one thing is sure before you go to anywhere you need to make some research first or let’s say a list. You need to check the hotels on the internet and of course make a list of the beautiful places to visit and of course don’t forget to take a selfie.